Fidelity Tax & Financial Services

At Fidelity Tax And Financial Services, we are dedicated to providing our clients with an exceptional educational experience that prepares them for a bright future. Our passionate educators and learners work together to promote intellectual growth and participatory engagement. Come visit us and discover your potential today.

Taqwelia H.

Taqwelia has a strong tax and financial background with more than 15 years of tax preparation experience. She became a full-time entrepreneur and launched Fidelity Tax and Financial Services in 2019. Taqwelia has a passion for helping individuals manage and grow their personal and financial well-being. Her goal is to provide her clients with expert advice, professionalism, and peace of mind. Working with Taqwelia you will find that she is knowledgeable, honest, compassionate, and keeps your privacy top of mind. Whether you require assistance at a business or personal level she and her team are here for you!


Briefly Chat & book services

Business Services Consultation


Let’s take a moment to discuss your business needs to see what services are right for you. This service is free for the 1st 15 minutes. This can be any of our business services listed above. There is a fee after the 1st 15 minutes or you can automatically book a longer session.

Tax Preparation


This is a consultation for tax preparation to discuss your needs and answer any questions you may have about our services. This includes your business or personal taxes.

Tax Pro Services


This is where we discuss any of our tax pro services listed above whether you want to join the team or have any questions about the courses we offer.

“The right education will change your life.”

Taqwelia H.


Q: How much do you charge?

A: Pricing varies depending on the service.

Q: Can you do me a quote?

A: I can but quotes are not free

Q: When will I get my refund?

A: Your refund usually take up 21

days to process during tax season.

Q: Can I file my taxes with my last check stub?

A: No, you have to have your w-2.

Q: What if my refund was taken?

A: You are still responsible the prep

fees associated with preparing your taxes.

Q: Can you do me a quote?

A: Quotes can be done but they are not free. The fee is $10 upfront per quote


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